Ruby Barnhill Scandle (2025)

1. Steven Spielberg's BFG actress Ruby Barnhill was sent to audition to ...

  • 20 jul 2016 · Ruby Barnhill, 12, was sent to audition for Disney's BFG by her parents · They hoped she would fail and it would put her off pursuing acting ...

  • Ruby Barnhill, 12, was sent to attend an audition for Steven Spielberg's adaptation of the BFG in the hope it would put her off acting - but she instead landed the lead role of Sophie.

2. Ruby Barnhill Breaking News, Latest Photos, and Recent Articles

  • The 34-year-old actress joined director Steven Spielberg and co-stars Ruby Barnhill, Mark Rylance, Jemaine Clement, and Penelope Wilton at the premiere and the ...

  • Mon, 18 July 2016

3. Ruby Barnhill | Rotten Tomatoes

4. The BFG: Steven Spielberg backs child-actor Ruby Barnhill as future ...

  • 23 jul 2016 · Filmmaker Steven Spielberg has backed his 'BFG' star Ruby Barnhill to become a director in the future.

  • When asked recently, Ruby Barnhill said she had no interest in becoming a big Hollywood star.

5. Knutsford actress tipped for stardom after Steven Spielberg chooses her ...

6. Mark Rylance and Ruby Barnhill shine in The BFG – but the film never ...

  • 21 jul 2016 · The BFG finds an ally in Sophie (Ruby Barnhill) once she realises that he isn't going to have her for supper. It's touch-and-go when the 11-year ...

  • The stars of The BFG have great chemistry. What a shame, then, that they end up in boring Buckingham Palace.

7. Steven Spielberg along with Ruby Barnhill The BFG Interview

  • 27 jun 2016 · In this exclusive interview, I spoke with Steven and the sweet star of the BFG, Ruby Barnhill (Sophie).

  • Steven Spielberg along with Ruby Barnhill The BFG Interview I think I have loved Steven Spielberg since I was about 9 years old and saw ET for the first

8. Ruby Barnhill: Movies, Photos, Videos, News, Biography & Birthday

  • Ruby Barnhill: Check out the list of all Ruby Barnhill movies along with photos, videos, biography and birthday. Also find latest Ruby Barnhill ...

  • Ruby Barnhill: Check out the list of all Ruby Barnhill movies along with photos, videos, biography and birthday. Also find latest Ruby Barnhill news on Times of India.

Ruby Barnhill Scandle (2025)


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.